Be part of the life-changing work at Next Step!

If you have a heart for helping women and men facing unplanned pregnancies, we have a place for you to serve. Learn more about the individual roles we have available and apply for your desired position. Whatever your talents are, we can find a place for them here.

Did you know we have Volunteers who served more than 480 hours in 2024? Opportunities include:

Life Line – Client Advocate: Walk alongside clients, providing mentorship and support.

Life Support – Life Support Volunteers: Serve behind the scenes in a number of roles such as Church Ambassador, yard care, cleaning, organizing items donated to our Nursery Nook, or making copies.

Firm Foundations Groups – Help build a community of care around a mother and her child(ren).

Email Deanna to get connected!

Contact Next Step to learn more details about the volunteer positions available. For safety precautions, volunteer applicants will be required to pass a background check.

 Life Change 2025
“Baby Bottle Boomerang”

Churches can partner with Next Step through baby bottle campaigns. Next Step will provide baby bottles that church members can fill with their donations. Baby bottles can be filled with coins, cash, or checks. We can also offer promotional materials, such as bulletin inserts, flyers, or announcement slides. A Next Step speaker can also be scheduled to speak to the congregation to kick off this event. Fill out the form to get started!

Plan a Baby Shower

Next Step supports expecting mothers by offering free baby supplies like diapers, wipes, and baby clothes from our Nursery Nook. One way we receive donations of material goods is through baby showers held by churches, women’s ministries, or Bible study groups.

Plan a baby shower in support of Next Step. Donations to support our Nursery Nook are greatly appreciated. Consider asking baby shower guests to bring diapers for a raffle and either small, individual donations like clothing or baby formula or to team up with other guests to purchase bigger gifts like strollers or high chairs. Every donation to our Nursery Nook meets the needs of expectant mothers as they prepare for the arrival of their little ones.

Baby showers also provide an opportunity for your church to learn more about what Next Step is doing in the community. A speaker from Next Step will be available to share how your involvement grows our ministry and allows us to continue providing resources and support to women and men experiencing unplanned pregnancies.