We provide services that educate, empower, and support life affirming choices.

Next Step advocates for individuals and families in Clarion County and surrounding areas with free Christ-centered consultation services and educational programs related to unplanned pregnancy, healthy choices and personal wholeness reflecting values that uphold sexual integrity and the sanctity of life.

History of Pregnancy Help Centers

  • 1968: Birthright initiated the first network of centers in Canada.

    1971: Alternatives to Abortion, now Heartbeat International, was founded.

    1980: Christian Action Council opened its first center in Baltimore, Maryland, which later became Care Net.

    1984: President Ronald Reagan declared January 22 as National Sanctity of Human Life Day, honoring life and those lost to abortion.

    1988: Concerned Citizens of Clarion County established AAA Pregnancy Center, now Next Step Pregnancy Solutions & Services.

We prioritize compassionate care and gospel-centered ministry in every aspect of our work, bridging the gap to address real needs that many churches may not have the resources or capacity to meet independently.

  • Equipping Churches: Offer tools like the Making Life Disciples curriculum to equip churches to engage effectively with abortion-related issues.

  • Supporting Youth Leaders: sexual integrity presentations & resources to promote healthy relationships and decision-making.

  • Embracing Mothers: Provide education and essential supplies to support individuals continuing their pregnancies.

  • Minister: God’s healing grace to those seeking abortion recovery care.

Next Step Pregnancy Solutions & Services

Pro-Abundant Life is at the center of the support provided for our mothers, fathers and their children. We provide compassionate, biblical support for individuals navigating pregnancy, parenting, and life decisions. The life of the mother and the baby - separate but both equally valuable, are at stake.  Our desire is to help the mother walk though the hurdles of pregnancy and challenging life issues, to ensure she has a long term community long after her care at Next Step has ended.  As a unified front, together we can see life change and ensure that abortion will never be an option for her or her future children's children. 

The HEART of the Matter: Do You See This Woman?  (Luke 7:36-50)

At a Pharisee’s house, a sinful woman anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume and tears, wiping them with her hair. Jesus forgives her sins, explaining that her extravagant love reflects the depth of her forgiveness, contrasting it with the Pharisee’s lack of hospitality and understanding.

The Pharisees are dumbfounded as this occurs and begin to question Jesus in their minds. Jesus responds to their secret questions with a simple question…do you see this woman? This is the same question we must ask ourselves. Do we see this woman? This baby? This man? This family?

Together, we offer hope, healing, and life-affirming solutions to our community.

For More Information:
Contact Next Step Pregnancy Solutions & Services to learn more about our programs and how we support women and families.

Phone: 814-226-7007

Email: info@knowyournextstep.com

Address: 140 Greenville Avenue Clarion, PA 16214

More Facts:

Miscarriage Care vs. Abortion

  • Myth: Abortion restrictions deny women necessary care for miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies.

    • Truth: No abortion law has ever restricted miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy care. Miscarriage care is distinct from elective abortion.

  • Pregnancy help organizations provide:

    • Compassionate care for grieving women.

    • A listening ear and personalized support. 

Mental Health Impacts of Abortion

  • Women with an abortion history face:

    • 81% increased risk of mental health issues.

      • Anxiety Disorders: +34%.

      • Depression: +37%.

      • Alcohol Abuse: +110%.

      • Marijuana Use: +220%.

      • Suicide Behaviors: +155%.

Elective Abortion Statistics

  • 95.7% of all abortions fall under elective or unspecified reasons.

Claims About the Abortion Pill And Abortion Pill Reversal

  • Claim: The abortion pill is safe.

    • Truth: Risks include:

      • Incomplete abortion (may require surgical follow-up).

      • Heavy bleeding, infection, and digestive complications.

      • Isolation during complications at home.

  • Claim: Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) is unsupported by science.

    • Truth:

      • APR uses progesterone, safely administered since the 1950s, to reverse chemical abortion effects.

      • Studies show 64%-68% of pregnancies are saved through APR, with no increased risk of birth defects.

      • Over 6,000 lives have been saved to date through this protocol.

Pregnancy Help Center Insights

  • Many women silently choose abortion despite attending church:

    • 40% were churchgoers at the time of their abortion.

    • Only 7% discussed their decision with anyone at church.

  • Key Influencers in abortion decisions:

    • 38%: Father of the baby.

    • 26%: Medical professionals.

    • 14%: Their mother.

Meet the Team

  • Hilary

    Executive Director

  • Deanna

    Client Services Director

  • Joyce

    Program Director

  • Briana

    Office Manager

  • Rebecca


  1.  https://erlc.com/resource/a-brief-history-of-pregnancy-resource-centers/

  2.  ibid

  3.  ibid

  4.  https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/speech/proclamation-5761-national-sanctity-human-life-day-1988

  5.  https://pregnancycentertruth.com/studies 

  6.  https://pregnancycentertruth.com/the-truth/abortion-pill-reversal 

  7.  https://pregnancycentertruth.com/the-truth/abortion-pill-reversal

  8.  https://research.lifeway.com/2015/11/23/women-distrust-church-on-abortion/

  9.  https://lozierinstitute.org/fact-sheet-reasons-for-abortion/